USB Write Protect Software Review

USB Write Protect is a software that prevents self-replicating computer viruses from getting copied to your pen-drives, or any other device connected via your USB. USB Write Protect is simply programmed to write protect your USB drive. As you know, most Trojan viruses copy themselves onto our USB drives as soon as we plug them in an infected PC.

The procedure for protection of your USB drive with USB Write Protect is as follows:
1)    Run the program and in the interface window select “Enable Write Protect
2)    Click Apply

That’s it! Your USB drive is now write-protected. Now nobody can delete your existing data or write anything new on it. You can only copy the data present in your USB drive.

If you want to disable this “write protect” protection then follow the steps:
1)    Open USB Write Protect program and now select ”Disable Write Protect
2)    Click Apply

You can also carry the program around in your USB drive if you want to use it on other computers.

You can download USB Write Protect program from